Favorite Things!

I thought I would document some of the kiddos favorite sayings, food, and toys! They are constantly changing, but it is so fun to remember all the phases!

Favorite Foods:

Davis - Yogurt, Cheese, Bunnies (crackers shaped like bunnies in different varieties), Bars (Kids Cliff Bars), Cereal (Cheerios, Honey Bunches of Oats), Eggs, and Hot Dogs. This is what his diet would consist of if we did not force other food - he will also eat chicken, beans and corn. It is tough sometimes with him and it stresses me out!
Anna - Yogurt, Cheese, Chicken, Beans and Rice, Hot Dogs, and GRAPES!

Favorite Toys:

Davis - Radio Flyer Tricycle, Mickey Mouse puzzle, and making "food" with his wooden fruit and vegetables. (and Buzz Lightyear :))
Anna - Stroller, Shopping Cart, Piano, Bunny, Cat, and all books!

Favorite Words / Sayings:

Davis - Ha-Ha, Hey Guys, One-Two-Three (because he wants three of everything). (Also, anything that has to do with snacks!)
Anna - Hi, Lucy, Fell Down.

Davis is talking so much! He is counting to 20 and we are working on the alphabet. He is so funny, and very complimentary. He always says "Good job Mommy".
Anna is a mess - but the cutest, most adorable mess ever. She is talking a lot as well and is a tough, clumsy little one. She wants everything that Davis has! And she still loves her paci.

Austin Zoo

We finally made it to the Austin Zoo and it is so close to our house! Davis was very excited about going and wanted to see a Giraffe and Elephant. He did not fully understand that is was not that kind of zoo, but on we went! It was such a cute place and the kids could get SO close the the animals. They loved the monkeys, tigers, but most of all the goats and sheep. Davis carried around a bag of food for the petting zoo part, but he wanted to feed all the animals from the start. We had to explain that we probably should not feed the lions and jaguars. We went with our friends the Gonskis, who have two kids the same ages of Davis and Anna. It was a very successful trip and I see many zoo visits in our future!

Daddy and Anna with a lion....grrrrrrrrrrr

Anna kept saying "BAAAAAAAA" at the sheep

Typical Davis pose and face right now!

He was practically kissing this goat at times...


Phew! After a longgggg hiatus, we have returned! October was a busy busy month and I got so behind on all the posts! I sent out Halloween pics and will just pick up from there. I am excited to be back and share all that is going on!

Here is the little sassy miss ready for school! Two of her favorite things - cats, and saying "Hi"!

And we are gearing up for Thanksgiving (and VERY excited about Christmas!). I made these shirts yesterday for the kiddos. They have a Thanksgiving "feast" at school next Thursday and then we are having Thanksgiving here this year! They both are very excited about turkeys!


*So glad to be back!!!!!