Favorite Things!

I thought I would document some of the kiddos favorite sayings, food, and toys! They are constantly changing, but it is so fun to remember all the phases!

Favorite Foods:

Davis - Yogurt, Cheese, Bunnies (crackers shaped like bunnies in different varieties), Bars (Kids Cliff Bars), Cereal (Cheerios, Honey Bunches of Oats), Eggs, and Hot Dogs. This is what his diet would consist of if we did not force other food - he will also eat chicken, beans and corn. It is tough sometimes with him and it stresses me out!
Anna - Yogurt, Cheese, Chicken, Beans and Rice, Hot Dogs, and GRAPES!

Favorite Toys:

Davis - Radio Flyer Tricycle, Mickey Mouse puzzle, and making "food" with his wooden fruit and vegetables. (and Buzz Lightyear :))
Anna - Stroller, Shopping Cart, Piano, Bunny, Cat, and all books!

Favorite Words / Sayings:

Davis - Ha-Ha, Hey Guys, One-Two-Three (because he wants three of everything). (Also, anything that has to do with snacks!)
Anna - Hi, Lucy, Fell Down.

Davis is talking so much! He is counting to 20 and we are working on the alphabet. He is so funny, and very complimentary. He always says "Good job Mommy".
Anna is a mess - but the cutest, most adorable mess ever. She is talking a lot as well and is a tough, clumsy little one. She wants everything that Davis has! And she still loves her paci.

Austin Zoo

We finally made it to the Austin Zoo and it is so close to our house! Davis was very excited about going and wanted to see a Giraffe and Elephant. He did not fully understand that is was not that kind of zoo, but on we went! It was such a cute place and the kids could get SO close the the animals. They loved the monkeys, tigers, but most of all the goats and sheep. Davis carried around a bag of food for the petting zoo part, but he wanted to feed all the animals from the start. We had to explain that we probably should not feed the lions and jaguars. We went with our friends the Gonskis, who have two kids the same ages of Davis and Anna. It was a very successful trip and I see many zoo visits in our future!

Daddy and Anna with a lion....grrrrrrrrrrr

Anna kept saying "BAAAAAAAA" at the sheep

Typical Davis pose and face right now!

He was practically kissing this goat at times...


Phew! After a longgggg hiatus, we have returned! October was a busy busy month and I got so behind on all the posts! I sent out Halloween pics and will just pick up from there. I am excited to be back and share all that is going on!

Here is the little sassy miss ready for school! Two of her favorite things - cats, and saying "Hi"!

And we are gearing up for Thanksgiving (and VERY excited about Christmas!). I made these shirts yesterday for the kiddos. They have a Thanksgiving "feast" at school next Thursday and then we are having Thanksgiving here this year! They both are very excited about turkeys!


*So glad to be back!!!!!

Davis Graduates!

I have been taking Davis to his speech therapy appointments every other week for a while. It was huge when we stopped going every week and Julie (his therapist) was very impressed with his progress. Well, at his last appointment, she told us we don't have to go anymore!!! YAY DAVIS! We are SO proud of him and just in the last couple of weeks have seen the biggest improvement. Even his teachers at school approached me after class twice last week and commented on Davis's vocabulary and voice. I had never really mentioned anything to them about his speech before, because I did not want them to label Davis from the start of the year. So when they said something to be on their own, it was such a compliment to our little man!

He is counting to 10 all on his own, saying full sentences, calling us mommy and daddy (as opposed to mama and dada), and tells us what he needs all the time! IT IS GREAT!!!! And he seems so happy about it too. We really started to notice the change when one day recently his favorite character went from "vava" (no idea where that came from) to "mickey mouse".

WAY TO GO DAVIS!!! We love you so much!


Well I finally got to stay in bed all day....but for all the wrong reasons! Earlier in the week, we woke up in the morning to realize that Davis had thrown up in his bed (and unfortunately seemed to sleep in it all night). We really did not think much about it, and he seemed to be feeling fine. I tried to take him to school, but he left with me as I knew he was a little off. Well, first thing Wednesday morning, Tyson rolls over and asks, "Do you feel sick by any chance?" Little did he know that I had been laying there thinking about how sick I felt! YUCK! Knowing this situation was going downhill fast, we called my mom and she came over ALL DAY to help with the kiddos.

I won't get into too many details, but it was a miserable day. And after Anna's nap, she started throwing up all over my mom.  She was so resilient though - she would play and then get sick, then go right back to playing. Anyway, we are SO thankful for GoGo and all of her help with the kids, her trips to the store and the pharmacy, and taking such good care of us.

I never thought we would all get sick at the same time, and I pray it doesn't happen again!

* I have been behind on blogging, but hope to catch up quick. Not too much has happened since this day, as it took us all a while to recover. I hope to be back on track soon!

San Antonio with the Abelings!

Moler Mania meet Abelingland 
(great slogan, stole it from Vicci!)

"This is not a lazy river, its a crazy river"

It FINALLY happened...our long awaited trip with the Abelings. We tried for Port Aransas, but ended up deciding on a night down at the JW Marriott Hill Country Resort (aka Kid Land).   We all headed down there early Saturday morning, after a quick stop at the Donut Hole for donuts and coffee.  (Maybe not the best idea to feed the kids donuts in the car, but heck, we were on vacation!) It was a quick drive down there (a major plus) and we had arrived!

We had rented a cabana for the day so we checked in, dropped off bags, suited up, and headed right to the pool! It was awesome - lots of pools, a lazy river, and an awesome kiddie water park. Our cabana had a little 6 inch "shelf" which was perfect for the kids.

We headed back to the room for nap time, and to avoid the tropical storm that was rolling in. The kids had a blast zipping around the hotel rooms and playing with each other. We went back out for a little bit in the afternoon, but it was COLD so we headed in and threw the kiddos in a warm bath and ordered up some macaroni and cheese from room service. Thank goodness for food, Mickey Mouse, and Little Einsteins! We had a babysitter come that night so we could have a little adult time and watch the Texas game. It was so fun, but as parents of wee ones, we all got tired so early! 

The next morning was great - we all laid around, drank coffee, and were on no schedule. It was awesome! We went to an amazing brunch down at one of the restaurants and then headed back to the pool! We stayed at the kid water park pool all morning and they LOVED it to say the least. Davis must have gone down the slide no less than 50 times. In a row. 

It was a great trip and we cannot wait to do it again! We absolutely loved our time with the Abelings and feel so blessed to have them as friends. 

Anna - 15 months!

Our baby girl is 15 months old! I can't believe it. She is so independent, adventurous, and slightly (ok really) rebellious. She LOVES bracelets and necklaces. She LOVES stuffed animals - anything and everything. And she loves to carry them around everywhere. She is totally in love with her Daddy, and wants to be with him always, no matter what he is doing or where he is....and I often find her banging on his office door. She is talking a lot - they told me at school that she is very verbal. She does know how to whine and cry on demand....but it is mostly fake in attempt to get something she wants. She loves dancing to the "Little Einsteins" theme song. She loves reading books. She is a climber like no other. She loves her paci, her bunny, and her baths. She is perfect in every single way.

At her check-up, she was called a "supermodel" - she is so tall!

Weight: 25 pounds, 1 ounce (75th percentile)
Height: 33 3/4 inches (way off the charts)
Head: 19 3/4 inches

Davis is Groovin

I found him last night on the table in the playroom jamming out to Jack Johnson. He definitely has some new groovy moves. Unfortunately, once the video started rolling, he got shy. I got a few seconds though.

He is so stinking cute, and it looks like he got his Daddy's dance moves :).

Hop Hop Hoppin House


M and D get fancy :)

We went to a wedding on Saturday for one of my best friends from high school. It was a beautiful ceremony with an amazing reception at The Driskill.  We picked up Ashley (Baskin) on our way and she came with us. She is about 5 months pregnant and looks stunning! We can't wait to meet baby boy Peyton!

It was a great night (including a couple blisters from my shoes - I can't seem to walk in heels anymore!). Many congratulations and blessings to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wilson!!!

* Many thanks to Vicci for letting me borrow this gorgeous dress. I totally want to steal it! 

Spoons and Forks!

Look who is using her very own silverware!!! And she is pretty good!