Family Pictures!

We finally got our family pictures done last night after 2 previous scheduled sessions. The first session was planned downtown at Mayfield Park. I was STRESSED to say the least and so much wanted everything to be absolutely perfect. Well, needless to say, nothing is perfect as we all know and Davis had a complete meltdown about the peacocks. Yes, the peacocks. He was deathly afraid. And for what it was worth, they were doing their "yelling" sounds which could be quite scary if you did not know what was going on. So that night was canceled and we went out for ice cream. We were going to go earlier this week, but it rained. So last night we took off up north to the Avery Ranch Golf Club and it was a beautiful night. When we got out, Davis started crying when he saw our photographer. I am quite certain he associated her with his previous peacock experience and was again terrified. Luckily Dad swooped in and took him off on the beautiful grounds to play. He warmed up so quickly and thankfully for a handy dandy "honker" (think hot pink, little girls bicycle) Davis was laughing and having a great time. It was such a fun night and I was thrilled about how much fun the kids were having. Here is one shot she posted last night....I am dying to see the rest!!!

I got home last night and reminded myself that stress is unproductive and I need to just let more stuff go. Easier said that done right......

One more funny story...on the way to the pictures we were talking about the pictures and singing and trying to get the kids excited. I was singing the ABC song with Davis and by the time I got to the letter "P" he stopped repeating and starting saying "Turn Off". Hilarious. I guess I am not as good as I thought...darn. No American Idol tryouts here. He is so funny - and his speech is starting to develop so quickly and his little sayings make us giggle all the time. We love it. We love him.

Anna's Boyfriend

Well one of them at least....these pics are about a month old, but too cute not to share! Here is Anna and her bud Drew at Barnes and Noble. The older kiddos were in camp so we got to spend some quality time with the little ones!

Little Monkeys

Our little monkeys sure love to wrestle!!!
 (*Note that Anna thinks it is hilarious - she is tough)

(Shortly after these pictures were taken Davis did push her head into the wall...several times...and was promptly put in time out!)

Sippy Cups

Folks, we run the dishwasher at LEAST once a day. These are the sippy cups from ONE load. Between milk, juice, and dirty cups it stacks up!

Pillow Pets from Grand (Aunt) Pat!

My favortite Aunt, who now goes by Grand Pat, ordered a special gift for the kiddos last week. They are Pillow Pets and the kids absolutely adore them. Davis got a Tiger (he is now constantly "roaring") and Anna got a Bumble Bee. They were a huge hit! Many thanks to Grand Pat!

(*Davis is a wild man these days and getting his pictures these days is quite the task!)

Courtney Visits / Working Out

Aunt Courtney came to visit and the babies were so excited! She went around with us all Friday and walked in the life of a mommy for a day. It was exciting - Costco and Target. HA! She was such a huge help and we all really enjoyed having her around! We got a couple of workouts in and she captured a few hilarious pictures of me and the kids while I was trying to do my back exercises for physical therapy. I think I need to take these with me and show my therapist how hard it is to get anything done while my monkeys are around!

Davis's Special Week!

Anna left on Monday for a couple special days with Go-go (my mom) so we have been excited to spend some quality time with Davis! What better to do than go play at Waterloo. He loves their mac and cheese and more importantly loves the playscape.  So off we went on Monday night to Waterloo, but when we got their he screamed and cried and just wanted to leave. SO STRANGE. Then he kept pointing over to Petsmart. So off to Petsmart we go, which worked out great because we needed dog food anyway. Once we got there he wanted to be held the whole time and kept pointing back to Waterloo. GRRRRR. Back to Waterloo and more crying. And then this.....

Thank goodness for the ducks!!! He loves them and snapped him out of his funk. The rest of the night consisted of a lot more play time and some more quality time with the ducks...and the ladies.

Sunday Movie Night (and Missy Mess)

We *might* have started a little tradition! Davis seems to be more in to movies (or should I say TV...) these days so we are finally getting to break out some of the DVDs that we bought long before he was born. Of course it was completely necessary when I was pregnant to stock up on any Disney movie that we saw at Costo. So here we are, watching Toy Story. He really seemed to like it, but I think he mostly liked being snuggled up in our bed! 

And here is the Missy Mess in full form after her spaghetti dinner!


We headed out this morning with Uncle Brad and Heather for the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale! It was quite the success with the whole Moler family getting a new pair of shoes. The babies got matching New Balance shoes. I am amazed at the size of my children's feet. We bought Davis a 9 1/2 (WOW!) and a 6 1/2 for Anna. They have been romping around in their shoes this afternoon and I attempted to get a few shots! Why is it always harder than you think it will be...

Anna was worn out...there is only so much shopping a little girl can handle!

She is on the move!!!

Anna has officially started walking. And by walking, I really mean running. She is super fast and always seems to be headed toward trouble - the dog water, any toilet, etc. Today she ran into her room and as I followed she closed the door on me. I am not kidding. Here are a few pics of her stealing Davis's bowl of mac and cheese and taking off!

Welcome, Welcome.

I have too much to share. Too many funny stories of the kiddos almost every day. Actually, almost every minute. And I want to record it all. So here we are. I could post a lot from the last week, but I am going to start now and start fresh. I will leave you with this one image from a few days ago. Just another morning...covered in maple syrup.