Family Pictures!

We finally got our family pictures done last night after 2 previous scheduled sessions. The first session was planned downtown at Mayfield Park. I was STRESSED to say the least and so much wanted everything to be absolutely perfect. Well, needless to say, nothing is perfect as we all know and Davis had a complete meltdown about the peacocks. Yes, the peacocks. He was deathly afraid. And for what it was worth, they were doing their "yelling" sounds which could be quite scary if you did not know what was going on. So that night was canceled and we went out for ice cream. We were going to go earlier this week, but it rained. So last night we took off up north to the Avery Ranch Golf Club and it was a beautiful night. When we got out, Davis started crying when he saw our photographer. I am quite certain he associated her with his previous peacock experience and was again terrified. Luckily Dad swooped in and took him off on the beautiful grounds to play. He warmed up so quickly and thankfully for a handy dandy "honker" (think hot pink, little girls bicycle) Davis was laughing and having a great time. It was such a fun night and I was thrilled about how much fun the kids were having. Here is one shot she posted last night....I am dying to see the rest!!!

I got home last night and reminded myself that stress is unproductive and I need to just let more stuff go. Easier said that done right......

One more funny story...on the way to the pictures we were talking about the pictures and singing and trying to get the kids excited. I was singing the ABC song with Davis and by the time I got to the letter "P" he stopped repeating and starting saying "Turn Off". Hilarious. I guess I am not as good as I thought...darn. No American Idol tryouts here. He is so funny - and his speech is starting to develop so quickly and his little sayings make us giggle all the time. We love it. We love him.
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