Davis Graduates!

I have been taking Davis to his speech therapy appointments every other week for a while. It was huge when we stopped going every week and Julie (his therapist) was very impressed with his progress. Well, at his last appointment, she told us we don't have to go anymore!!! YAY DAVIS! We are SO proud of him and just in the last couple of weeks have seen the biggest improvement. Even his teachers at school approached me after class twice last week and commented on Davis's vocabulary and voice. I had never really mentioned anything to them about his speech before, because I did not want them to label Davis from the start of the year. So when they said something to be on their own, it was such a compliment to our little man!

He is counting to 10 all on his own, saying full sentences, calling us mommy and daddy (as opposed to mama and dada), and tells us what he needs all the time! IT IS GREAT!!!! And he seems so happy about it too. We really started to notice the change when one day recently his favorite character went from "vava" (no idea where that came from) to "mickey mouse".

WAY TO GO DAVIS!!! We love you so much!
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