Anna - 15 months!

Our baby girl is 15 months old! I can't believe it. She is so independent, adventurous, and slightly (ok really) rebellious. She LOVES bracelets and necklaces. She LOVES stuffed animals - anything and everything. And she loves to carry them around everywhere. She is totally in love with her Daddy, and wants to be with him always, no matter what he is doing or where he is....and I often find her banging on his office door. She is talking a lot - they told me at school that she is very verbal. She does know how to whine and cry on demand....but it is mostly fake in attempt to get something she wants. She loves dancing to the "Little Einsteins" theme song. She loves reading books. She is a climber like no other. She loves her paci, her bunny, and her baths. She is perfect in every single way.

At her check-up, she was called a "supermodel" - she is so tall!

Weight: 25 pounds, 1 ounce (75th percentile)
Height: 33 3/4 inches (way off the charts)
Head: 19 3/4 inches

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