Busy Busy

I haven't blogged in a few days as we have been busy getting ready for our trip to visit Nonna! I am sure we will have lots of pictures and stories from the trip. The kids spent the night at GoGo and Poppy's house last night (THANK YOU!) so I could get stuff done for the trip! Watching two toddlers while packing, running errands, etc. is quite the task. 

In other news, we had Shaye's 3rd birthday party this weekend, which was so fun! They had a huge blow up water slide (think bounce house meets water). Davis was a little timid, but had fun around yard and playing on the swing. 

We found out late last week that Davis got into the preschool! YAY! He starts at Lakeway Christian Church Preschool on September 2nd. He already has lots of buddies in his class and he is excited! We had another speech therapy appointment on Monday and we had not been in about two weeks. She was so impressed with his speech and clarity! We might start going every two weeks. We are so so so proud of him and notice improvement all the time. Lately he has been VERY good about sharing with Anna. Anytime we are doing anything with him (reading a book, playing cars, bouncing on the ball) he will say "Ah-Ah's turn, Ah-Ah's turn." What a kind big brother. Then after about 10 seconds with Anna he makes it known it is "Davis's turn" again. It is really cute. Even after she is asleep or not around he is insistent on "Ah-Ah's turn." 

Anna has been a little sick this week so she has not been her perky self. She is super cuddly though, which I love love love!  

Well I am off to finish packing and getting ready for a 5:15am departure for the airport! 

*Oh, and GoGo has so graciously lent us her Flip video camera so now I can take and post videos a LOT easier. YAY!*

Ok and one last photo of Davis's new best friend. He feeds him, gives him some chocolate milk, and watches Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with him........

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