Trip to Whidbey to see Nonna - Day 1, Travel Day

We set out early on Thursday morning to head up to the pacific northwest to visit Nonna! Our flight left Austin at 7:10am - and yes, we were thinking to ourselves "what exactly were we thinking when we booked this!". But, it turned out to be fine and the kids we excited to get on the airplane. Davis said "airplane goes VROOOOMMMM in the sky" no less than 1,000 times during our trip and in the most loud, excited voice possible. He was so thrilled to just sit and watch all the airplanes.
We had a brief layover in Denver (just enough time to grab a pb&j for the kiddos) and we were off to Seattle.  We ended up putting Anna in the car seat and Davis sat like a quiet angel, which he is, in our lap for most of the trip. Anna was a wild thing and only tamed by the car seat harness. Here she was grabbing a little snooze.
We landed in Seattle and jumped in the rental car and head up north a couple of hours to Whidbey. I was a little nervous about the long drive and two long flights, but a few minutes after we left the airport, I turned around and saw this.....
We arrived at Nonna's house safely and the kids were so excited to see her and play with TONS of new toys. They were really spoiled. TOYS EVERYWHERE! They especially loved the weather and being able to play outside! It was a great first day!

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