Rain, Rain Go AWAY!

It has been raining here the past couple of days. And by rain, I mean POURING all day and all night. I am so thankful for our lakes and our yards, but the babies get a little stir crazzyyyyyy!!! I got an email this morning from Rolly Pollies about open gym, and I thought, PERFECT!!! So off we went this morning to Rolly Pollies (think bounce house, trampolines, foam pits, gym equipment, and rock climbing walls). There was hardly anyone there and the kids had a GREAT time. I got a few pictures, but there were on my cell so the quality is not that great.

We had taken some classes here before and I think the kids remembered this place, because they ran free and went everywhere! Anna is getting (well, always has been) so independent and she played so well. She especially loved the long trampoline. Here is a little video (again, bad quality from my phone).

Jacob and Miquele came too and then came over to play and have lunch! We love love love our time with them. 

This afternoon, Davis took a longgggggggggg nap and Anna did not nap. I knew something was wrong and she has had a persistent runny nose for a week. I decided to run her up to the doctor and sure enough she has an ear infection. Poor thing - and her balance has been off a LOT in the last week. She is on some medication now and should be cleared up in no time! We have a new pediatrician (Dr. Danielle Grant at Beansprout Pediatrics) who also happens to be our friend and neighbor. It is the best of all worlds and her practice opened TODAY right here in Lakeway. We are so happy for them and so excited to have such great heath care so close.

One last note...Davis has been asking lately about "big boy underwear" and going and getting it out of his drawer. I am thinking it is time to start potty training again. Anyway, tonight he really wanted to wear  a pair that had Mickey Mouse on them (or VaVa as he calls Mickey).  And here he is, showing them off for all to see. Over his pajamas. For safety reasons of course :).

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